As we head into the colder months, there are countless jokes and memes popping up about body hair. This is the time of year when you can finally slack off a bit on your daily shaving routine.

However, while it might be counterintuitive, now is also the best time of year to start thinking about laser hair removal. By the time summer rolls back around it will be too late to take full advantage of the treatment.

Here are a few reasons why:

Less Sun = Paler Skin = Better Results

First, it might help if we discuss a bit about how laser hair removal works. Laser hair removal uses a laser to target the melanin (i.e. pigment) in the hair. The energy of the laser turns into heat as it enters the hair follicle, damaging it at the root and preventing it from growing back.

This treatment can be used on most skin colors by adjusting the lasers. However, in most cases, the lighter the skin compared to the hair, the better and quicker the results.

In the fall and winter, you are more likely to bundle up, stay indoors, and generally get less sun exposure. While the pale look might not be ideal in summer when a tan is preferred, it’s the perfect situation for laser hair removal.

Easier to Protect Your Skin

Speaking of less sun exposure, it’s recommended to avoid or limit sun exposure on areas of the body you want laser hair removal for 2-4 weeks before and after each of your sessions.

This is due to the skin’s sensitivity to light energy. When you tan or get too much sun exposure before a session, your skin is more sensitive. You have a higher risk of hyperpigmentation or even burns with extended sun exposure.

In the colder months, it’s easier to ensure your skin is well protected from the sun. Longer sleeves, jackets, and pants cover most places popular for laser hair removal.

It Takes Time for Full Results

The best reason to start laser hair removal now? It takes time! If you want to wear cute sundresses and shorts next summer, you have to get started now.

Laser hair removal usually takes a minimum of 4-6 sessions. This is due to how the laser targets the hair follicles. You need to have multiple sessions over multiple months, up to 6 months. This is to ensure every hair follicle is targeted during the optimal growth stage.

The length of time and number of sessions needed will be determined by your unique growth pattern, skin type, and hair type. While some people can be relatives hair free in just a few months, other people need the full 6+ months.

Laser Hair Removal in Brooklyn

If you are ready to jump start your 2022 summer with smooth, hair free skin, book your first laser hair appointment at Beauty Obsession today! We have availability throughout the fall and winter months but the sooner you start your sessions, the better chance you’ll have fully hair free skin by next spring or summer.