2020 was the year of the home manicure. Not out of choice but by pure necessity. Stick on nails, at-home gel removal, basic nail art – it wasn’t a great look. And let’s not even talk about the damage and neglect done by the inexperienced. Thankfully, 2021 brought back the professionals!

With nail salons now open almost everywhere, including here in Brooklyn, why not treat yourself to a professional manicure and pedicure? Beauty Obsession Salon and Spa offers 15+ years of experience when it comes to nails. Our manicurists are highly trained and certified.

The changing season is the perfect excuse to switch things up and try something new. Plus, with all the cute coffee photos you’re going to take with your pumpkin spiced latte – you need to make sure your nails are on point.

This fall, the nail trends and colors range from the classics to a retro touch. Here are some of the top designs and colors we expect to be trending here in Brooklyn this autumn.

Deep Reds

A classic for fall – or really any time of year – is a deep red. Deep red nails are the fastest way to add a bit of chic to your style. From the office to date night, red nails always fit the occasion.

This fall the trend is predicted to focus on deep red colors and short, square nails. They are the perfect complement to outdoorsy apple picking or date night at a classy Manhattan restaurant.

Red nail polish can be difficult to work with at home. You can opt for a liquid latex to keep things neat or better yet let our manicurists at Beauty Obsession take over. We have a range of trendy dark red polish options and can help you find the perfect match for your skin tone.

Neutral and Earthy

The classics of autumn will forever be in the earthy, neutral palette. These invoke the colors of the season, the cozyness of fall, and the comfort of home on colder nights.

Classic neutral doesn’t just mean beige though. You can mix things up with any subtle shade in a natural color – Rosy mauve, sage green, warm brown, earthy orange, etc.

A bonus – neutrals tend to be more forgiving when it comes to small chips than something like a bold neon. A professionally done manicure is much less likely to chip though than your home version so if you want to truly extend the life of your manicure, stop by Beauty Obsession.


Now that we’ve discussed the classics, let’s jump into the more unique trend popping up this fall.

If you have been watching the runways, you might have noticed that metallics are having a bit of a comeback. Maybe it’s that we all need a bit of shimmer and shine after the last two years we’ve had. From glitzy shoes to subtle sparkles, the 2021 autumn trend seems to be metallic shine as a finishing touch.

Since the trend is mainly focusing on subtle touches of shine, opting for a metallic or shimmer manicure is the perfect choice. Holographic designs and two-tone glitters will make your nails pop in any light.

As a bonus, consider incorporating in a touch of retro to hit another of the season’s trending styles. Retro 70’s patterns and colors are making a strong comeback.

Professional Manicure in South Brooklyn

When you are ready to switch up your nails for fall, make an appointment at Beauty Obsession Salon. Our Manhattan-style spa offers top quality services – from nail art and manicures to facials, massages, hair styling, and more.

We are available at 718.975.3773.